Different Ways to Get Rid of Nuisance Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers peck. This is the primary reason why they tend to be a nuisance to homeowners and property managers alike. It makes sense then, that you would want to learn how to properly get rid of these creatures. 

It goes without saying that this needs to be accomplished in the most humane way possible. 

Let’s get into it.


Woodpeckers peck for a multitude of reasons.

  • They peck to create nesting and homes.
  • They peck as a means of communication with their kind.
  • They peck to forage and feed.
  • They even peck to attract mating partners.

Here’s a fun fact for you property owners: Woodpeckers are known to have the ability to peck over 10,000 times per day! No wonder they become a nuisance to us humans!

So, why are these birds attracted to your property? Trees, wood, berries, insects, nuts & seeds. In other words, these birds don’t arrive out of anywhere. It’s because your property provides readily available access to A-grade food and shelter.

So we’ve established that woodpeckers can wreak havoc on trees and other property via their impeccable pecking abilities…So, how do we get rid of or prevent these creatures from continuing to do so?

Read on for more!


The most novel way to prevent woodpeckers from causing damage to your property is by placing out bird feed. This seems highly unproductive; however, as stated above, these birds are likely pecking to hunt for food. If you simply give them the food, they won’t cause damage to find it.

The only problem with this is that it won’t get rid of them…quite the opposite, actually.

Wrap or Remove Trees

By protecting your trees from being pecked, or removing them entirely, there is no reason for woodpeckers to visit your property in the first place. Simply purchase some bird netting and wrap it. It’s quite easy.

It’s also important to note that woodpeckers prefer dead or rotting trees. If you notice any of these on your property, remove them immediately. 

Repair Holes

Patching these up will not only prevent those that pecked the hole from returning, but it will also prevent new woodpeckers from discovering a previously created habitat.

The majority of preventative measures involve making your property the most unattractive to woodpeckers as possible. Keep this in mind.

Use Bird Spikes

Patching these up will not only prevent those that pecked the hole from returning, but it will also prevent new woodpeckers from discovering a previously created habitat.

The majority of preventative measures involve making your property the most unattractive to woodpeckers as possible. Keep this in mind.

Call a Pro

When all else fails, or even better – before even getting started, contacting a wildlife removal professional is probably your best bet. Not only will they know all the best practices and easiest ways to approach such a situation, but they will keep you from getting into legal trouble by intentionally or unintentionally acting in an inhumane fashion.


Killing is not only inhumane, but it is illegal. These birds are not intentionally causing you stress. They don’t mean to be a nuisance. They are simply woodpeckers being woodpeckers.

Whether it’s via firearm, poison, or a harmful, negligent trap, we do not recommend killing a woodpecker.

As always, when dealing with any nuisance wildlife animal, contacting your local wildlife services company is usually your best option. Not only will they provide you with the right tools and tactics for the job, but they will do so in a legal, humane manner.

Good luck in your quest to rid of woodpeckers! As always, stay calm, don’t act out of emotion, and always have the best intentions in mind for YOU and your well-being, as well as the animal’s health and well-being.